Begonia fulgurata

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Begonia fulgurata
Quick Species Info
Species Begonia fulgurata
Region Southeast Asia
Country Thailand
Year published 2017
Date of Origin Not specified
Plant Type Tuberous
Section Diploclinium
Chr 2n Not specified

Species Information[edit]


Begonia fulgurata is a newly discovered species of Begonia. It belongs to the section Diploclinium within the Begonia genus.


This species is endemic to Chiang Mai Province in northern Thailand, specifically in the Doi Lohn area. It is known only from the type locality.


Begonia fulgurata can be found in epipetric or terrestrial habitats. It has a tuberous growth habit and is adapted to the local conditions of northern Thailand.


Begonia fulgurata is a monoecious, perennial plant. It has erect or ascending stems that can grow up to 40 cm in length. The leaves are oblique, pendent, and distant, with ovate-lanceolate to widely ovate lamina. The upper side of the leaves is characterized by fine silvery-white venation, resembling lightning. The inflorescence is a terminal, bisexual, cymosely branching panicle. Staminate flowers have two tepals, while pistillate flowers have five tepals. The ovary is 3-locular.

Flower Details[edit]

Staminate flowers of Begonia fulgurata have two white to pinkish tepals, and the androecium is zygomorphic with approximately 25 yellow stamens. Pistillate flowers have a pedicel, a pale green or pinkish ovary with three wings, and five white to pinkish tepals. The styles are yellowish green and bifid.


The specific epithet "fulgurata" is derived from the fine, silvery-white venation on the upper surface of the leaves, which resembles lightning.

Comparison to Similar Species[edit]

Begonia fulgurata shares some similarities with other Begonia species like B. integrifolia and B. grandis in terms of having tuberous growth, erect stems, and a periodically dormant habit. However, it can be distinguished by its densely hirsute leaves with maroon patches and silvery-white veins, as well as the dense glandular hairy inflorescence and specific characteristics of its flowers.


This information is based on the research article titled "Begonia fulgurata, a new species from northern Thailand" published in Blumea in 2017 by C.-I. Peng, C.-W. Lin, and T. Phutthai.


Image of Begonia fulgurata Flowers

External Links[edit]

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